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Posgrados-Maestrías Universitarias

(Maestrías en el idioma Inglés)

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Ingenierías y Arquitectura
ProgramaNivelUniversidadModo de estudiosPrecio semestre  Semestres  Inicio de clasesMalla curricular
Control Automático RobóticaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Diseño y Aplicación de materiales ModernosMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Energía Renovable/Gestión de la EnergíaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.1003FebreroPDF
  Informática Sistemas Inteligentes/Análisis de DatosMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería de la ComputaciónMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería de MaterialesMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.1003Febrero & OctubrePDF
  Ingeniería de Petróleo y GasMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería EléctricaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería EnergéticaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería MecatrónicaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.1003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería MineraMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003Febrero & OctubrePDF
Tecnología QuímicaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.1003OctubrePDF
ArquitecturaMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.5003FebreroPDF
Arquitectura del PaisajeMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.5004OctubrePDF
Ciencias de la Computación (Varias especialidades)  Maestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
Computación Gráfica y MultimediaMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5004Octubre
Cyber SeguridadMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
Data ScienceMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
Ingeniería  CivilMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Ambiental y del sueloMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503FebreroPDF
Ingeniería en EnergíasMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503FebreroPDF
Mecánica y Diseño de MáquinasMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.7503FebreroPDF
Tecnologia Quimica InnovadoraMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Tele-informáticaMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresencial Full time€ 1.5004Octubre
ArquitecturaMaestriaPolitécnica De LodzPresencial          Full time $ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Ciencias de la Computación &(IT)Maestría  Politécnica De LodzPresencial Full time$ 2.0003FebreroPDF
DiseñoMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresencial Full time$ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Electronica AplicadaMaestríaPolitécnica De LodzPresencial          Full time $ 2.0004FebreroPDF
Ingeniería en Electrónica Y TelecomunicacionesMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresecial Full time$ 2.0004FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Mecánica AvanzadaMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresecial Full time$ 2.0004FebreroPDF
Nanotecnologia QuimicaMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresecial Full time$ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Sistemas Energéticos en el medio AmbienteMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.8703FebreroPDF
ArquitecturaMaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Control Automatico y RobóticaMaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Electrónica y Telecomunicaciónes (Tecnologías de la Información y comunicación)MaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003-4OctubrePDF
Energías Renovables y tecnologías a gasMaestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Civil (Ingeniería estructural)MaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Civil (Ingeniería y administración de la construcción)MaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería de Producto (Construcción medio de Trasporte)Maestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería de Software ComputaciónMaestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
MecatrónicaMaestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
ArquitecturaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.2004OctubrePDF
Ciencias de la Computación (Sistemas y Networks)  MaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.7004Febrero & OctubrePDF
Estructuras de Ingeniería CivilMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.9403OctubrePDF
FotónicaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0004Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería AeroespacialMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería de la ProducciónMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.7504Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería del TransporteMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503OctubrePDF
Ingeniería EléctricaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.2503OctubrePDF
Ingeniería en EnergíaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería en Protección AmbientalMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5004Febrero & OctubrePDF
Mecatrónica (Ingeniería Fotónica)MaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.8003Febrero & OctubrePDF
RobóticaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6504OctubrePDF
Sistemas de Navegación y MapeoMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.0003OctubrePDF
Sistemas Informáticos (Inteligencia Atificial)MaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.7003 & 4Febrero & OctubrePDF
TelecomunicacionesMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.7004Febrero & OctubrePDF
ArquitecturaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Control e Informática AvanzadaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Electrónica Avanzada AplicadaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Energías RenovablesMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0004OctubrePDF
Ingeniería AutomotrizMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Civil  Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería de la InternetMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Eléctrica y ControlMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0004OctubrePDF
Ingeniería en ComputaciónMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0004OctubrePDF
Ingenieria Quimica (Nanotecnologia)Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Microsistemas Electrónicos y FotónicosMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Refrigeración y CriogeniaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
RobóticaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Seguridad InformáticaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Sistemas de Información en NegociosMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003OctubrePDF
Telecomunicaciones ModernasMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
  ArquitecturaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 1.5003Febrero & OctubrePDF
  Automatización Cibernética y RobóticaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.1004Febrero & OctubrePDF
  Desarrollo EspacialMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.0003 Febrero
  Electrónica y TelecomunicacionesMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2003 FebreroPDF
  InformáticaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 1.7004 OctubrePDF
  Ingeniería AmbientalMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2003 FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería CivilMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2003FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería MecánicaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2003 FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería OceánicaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.0004 OctubrePDF
  NanotecnologíaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.0004 OctubrePDF
  Tecnologías VerdesMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 1.7003 OctubrePDF
Ciencias de la ComputaciónMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004 OctubrePDF
Electrónica Control AutomáticoMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.2503FebreroPDF
Electrónica y TelecomunicacionesMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.2503FebreroPDF
InformáticaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.2503FebreroPDF
Ingeniería CivilMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 2.1003OctubrePDF
Ingeniería EléctricaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.2003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería en ProducciónMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.1703OctubrePDF
Ingeniería EnergéticaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.8004FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Aeronautica y AeroespacialMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.1003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Energética SostenibleMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.9004OctubrePDF
Ingeniería MecánicaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 2.1003FebreroPDF
Ingeniería Mecánica AvanzadaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 2.1003Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingeniería QuímicaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.8003FebreroPDF
Administrativas, Negocios y Sociales
 ProgramaNivelUniversidadModo de estudiosPrecio semestre  Semestres  Inicio de clasesMalla curricular
  Gestión InternacionalMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0004OctubrePDF
  SociologíaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0004OctubrePDF
  AdministraciónMaestríaCiencias Sociales y HumanisticasPresencial Full time€ 1.4004FebreroPDF
  PsicologíaMaestríaCiencias Sociales y HumanisticasPresencial Full time€ 1.4004FebreroPDF
  Psicología ClínicaMaestríaCiencias Sociales y HumanisticasPresencial Full time€ 1.4004FebreroPDF
  Psicología Social AplicadaMaestríaCiencias Sociales y HumanisticasPresencial Full time€ 1.4004FebreroPDF
  Gestión de la InnovaciónMaestríaEconomía y Negocios de PoznanPresencial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Gestión de Productos y ProcesosMaestríaEconomía y Negocios de PoznanPresencial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Ingeniería FinancieraMaestríaEconomía y Negocios de PoznanPresencial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Negocios InternacionalesMaestríaEconomía y Negocios de PoznanPresencial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Economía AnalíticaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2004OctubrePDF
  GestiónMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.2004OctubrePDF
  Administración de EmpresasMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Ciencias EconómicasMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Estudios Internacionales de GeneroMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Estudios Internacionales y PolíticosMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  InglesMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.0004OctubrePDF
  Mercado InternacionalMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  Protección del Medio AmbienteMaestríaUniversidad  LodzPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
  Administración en Organismos InternacionalesMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Ciencias PolíticasMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.5004Octubre
  Comunicación GlobalMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
  Derecho Internacional y EuropeoMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Economía de la EmpresaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Gestión de la ComunicaciónMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Periodismo y Comunicación SocialMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Relaciones InternacionalesMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.5004Octubre
  SociologíaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.5004OctubrePDF
  Turismo y HospitalidadMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Negocios InternacionalesMaestríaUniversidad de GdanskPresencial Full time€ 1.0002OctubrePDF
  Acción HumanitariaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 3.0002OctubrePDF
  ArqueologíaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0002OctubrePDF
  Ciencia de Datos y Análisis EmpresarialMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.1002OctubrePDF
  Ciencias CognitivasMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.3002OctubrePDF
  Ciencias PolíticasMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5002OctubrePDF
  Economía InternacionalMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.1002OctubrePDF
  Finanzas CuantitativasMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.1002OctubrePDF
  Negocios InternacionalesMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.2002OctubrePDF
  Pedagogía para la Enseñanza del InglésMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.4002OctubrePDF
  PsicologíaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0002OctubrePDF
  AdministraciónMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 2.3004OctubrePDF
  Ciencia CognitivaMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 2.1004OctubrePDF
  Ciencias EconómicasMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 2.3004OctubrePDF
  Estudios en InglesMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 8004OctubrePDF
  Política InternacionalMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 7004OctubrePDF
  AdministraciónMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.1704OctubrePDF
  LogísticaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresencial Full time€ 1.1703FebreroPDF
Administración de empresas del futuroMaestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Administración e Ingeniería de la ProducciónMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresencial Full time$ 2.0004FebreroPDF
AlimentosMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0002OctubrePDF
Desarrollo SostenibleMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresencial Full time€ 1.7002  OctubrePDF
Gestión AmbientalMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time2OctubrePDF
Gestión de la Calidad del Medio AmbienteMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003Febrero & OctubrePDF
Gestión de la IngenieríaMaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Gestión de la ProducciónMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Idiomas (inglés)MaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.4002OctubrePDF
Relaciones InternacionalesMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresencial Full time€ 1.5002OctubrePDF
Sistemas de Información en NegociosMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003OctubrePDF
Sistemas LogísticosMaestría  Politécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Ciencias Exacta y Biológicas
ProgramaNivelUniversidadModo de estudiosPrecio semestre  Semestres  Inicio de clasesMalla curricular
  Geofísica AplicadaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Geología AplicadaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.0003FebreroPDF
  Tecnología QuímicaMaestríaAGH Ciencias y TecnologíasPresecial Full time€ 1.1003OctubrePDF
  Biotecnología AplicadaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.2503FebreroPDF
  NanotecnologíaMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 2.0004 OctubrePDF
  Tecnologías VerdesMaestríaTecnológica GdanzkPresecial Full time€ 1.7003 OctubrePDF
  Biotecnología MedicaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004 OctubrePDF
  Física TeóricaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004 Octubre
  Geociencia AplicadaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004 OctubrePDF
  QuímicaMaestríaUniversidad  WroclawPresecial Full time€ 1.8004 OctubrePDF
  ArqueologíaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0002OctubrePDF
  Ciencia de Datos y Análisis EmpresarialMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.1002OctubrePDF
  Ciencias CognitivasMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.3002OctubrePDF
  FísicaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5002OctubrePDF
  QuímicaMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.0002OctubrePDF
  Biología del Cambio GlobalMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 1.8004OctubrePDF
  Ciencia CognitivaMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 2.1004OctubrePDF
  Física y AstronomíaMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 1.2004OctubrePDF
  QuímicaMaestríaUniversidad Nicolaus CopernicusPresencial Full time€ 2.1004OctubrePDF
  BiotecnologíaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.5003FebreroPDF
  Ciencia de DatosMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.2503FebreroPDF
  Ingeniería QuímicaMaestríaUniversidad Tecnología de SilesianPresecial Full time€ 1.8003FebreroPDF
AlimentosMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0002OctubrePDF
BioinformáticaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
BiomaterialesMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.6503FebreroPDF
Biotecnología Industrial y Ciencias de la AlimentacionMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresencial Full time$ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Desarrollo SostenibleMaestríaUniversidad de VarsoviaPresencial Full time€ 1.7002  OctubrePDF
Física AplicadaMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5003OctubrePDF
FotónicaMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 2.0004Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ingenieria Quimica (Nanotecnologia)Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Matemática AplicadaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Microsistemas Electrónicos y FotónicosMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Nanotecnologia QuimicaMaestría  Politécnica De LodzPresecial Full time$ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Química (Compuestos Y Nanomateriales)MaestríaPolitécnica de PoznanPresecial Full time€ 1.6003FebreroPDF
Química (Sustancias Complejas)Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Química AplicadaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Química Medicinal (desarrollo de nuevas medicinas)Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Refrigeración y CriogeniaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
Sistemas de Navegación y MapeoMaestríaPolitécnica de VarsoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.0003OctubrePDF
Tecnologia Quimica InnovadoraMaestría  Politécnica De CracoviaPresecial Full time€ 1.5003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Ciencias de la Salud, Deportes, Belleza
ProgramaNivelUniversidadModo de estudiosPrecio semestre  Semestres  Inicio de clasesMalla curricular
Ciencias de la Belleza (Cosmetología)Maestría  Vincent Pol University en LublinPresecial Full time€ 1.2504OctubrePDF
EnfermeríaMaestría  Vincent Pol University en LublinPresecial Full time€ 1.7504OctubrePDF
Nutrición Clínica y DietéticaMaestría  Vincent Pol University en LublinPresecial Full time€ 1.2504OctubrePDF
Química Medicinal (desarrollo de nuevas medicinas)Maestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003-4Febrero & OctubrePDF
Refrigeración y CriogeniaMaestría  Politécnica De WroclawPresecial Full time€ 2.0003FebreroPDF
República Checa
  • La información que estás buscando estará disponible próximamente. Mientras tanto, para averiguar si hay opciones de maestría disponibles en un programa específico, te recomendamos revisar la disponibilidad en la sección de CARRERAS (Pregrado) en nuestra tabla, en la columna (Maestría disponible/no disponible). Si estás interesado en obtener detalles concretos sobre una maestría en particular, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nuestro equipo; estaremos más que felices de brindarte la información que requieres.
  • Recuerca, nuestros precios están en constante actualización. ¡Para obtener el precio más reciente, no dudes en contactarnos!
UniversidadPaisLocalidadWebTipo de AplicaciónCosto de AplicaciónMétodo de pagoTiempo de AplicaciónOferta CondicionalObservaciones
ATMC – Federation University, Australia (LG)Australia     Masters, Bachelors, Diploma and VET programs
Australian Technical and
Management College – ATMC
Australia        Masters, Bachelors, Diploma
and VET programs
Central Queensland University (CQU)Australia        
Charles Darwin University (LG)Australia      
Charles Sturt University – Main
Australia APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Edith Cowan UniversityAustralia     Edith Cowan College (ECC) is temporarily suspending all applications form the Punjab and Haryana Region effective immediately (20-02-2023).
This includes new applications and offer holders.
Education Centre of Australia
EDUCO Australia – RMIT University, MelbourneAustraliaMelbourne      Applications (UG or PG) from the following States will not be accepted:
Punjab, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.
ELICOS, Foundation studies, TAFE & VCE, Higher Education.
EDUCO Australia – Southern Cross University (LG)Australia     SCU does not accept applications until student has turned 18.
Send separate PDF files for App form, GTE checklist, Academics, SOP, IELTS, Passport
EDUCO Australia – Swinburne
University of Technology
EDUCO Australia – University of
the Sunshine Coast
EDUCO Australia – Victoria UniversityAustralia     ELICOS, TAFE, Higher
Education, Higher degree by Research
Griffith University (LG)Australia         
ICHM, Adelaide (UP Education)AustraliaAdelaide      
INTO Australia – University of Western Australia (LG)Australia    Foundation / Diploma. Follow- on Commission will be paid for academic progression to University of Western Australia;
Academic English
James Cook University (JCU) (Townsville and Cairns Campus)AustraliaTownsville and
Cairns Campus     Masters, Bachelors, Diploma and ELICOS
James Cook University Brisbane (JCUB) (LG)AustraliaBrisbane Appl. Fees 1 Week @YesElicos, Bachelors, Masters,
Vet, Higher Education Programs
La Trobe UniversityAustraliaMultiple   Paper    UG & PG Entry requirement details saved in DropBox.
Macquarie University (LG)AustraliaSydney     Masters and Bachelors
Macquarie University, Australia will accept applications from Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka & Goa Only.
Pls. send only those applications which are GTE Compliant.
No Married cases.
No Study Gap more than 2 years.
Monash University (LG)Australia        
Navitas Australia – ACAP (Australian College of Applied Psychology)AustraliaSydney, Melbourne, Adelaide,
Navitas Australia – Curtin
College APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – Deakin
urne APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – Hawthorn
Melbourne APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – La Trobe
Sydney APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – La Trobe UniversityAustraliaSydney Campus      
Navitas Australia – Navitas
AustraliaMultiple APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – Newcastle
International College (NIC) APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – PIBT at APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – QIBT at
AustraliaBrisbane Gold
Coast APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Navitas Australia – SIBT at
Macquarie APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
New York Film Academy
(NYFA), Australia
AustraliaGold Coast,
Main Campus      
Sarina Russo InstituteAustralia Appl. Fees  Yes 
Southern Cross University (Main Campus)AustraliaLismore, NSW APPL FEES4 to 6 WeeksYesSCU does not accept
applications until student has turned 18.
Stanley College (LG)Australia      
Study Group ANZ – The University of SydneyAustralia      
Study Group ANZ – The University of Western AustraliaAustralia      
Study Group Australia – Australian National University CollegeAustraliaCanberra APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Study Group Australia – Taylors College – With University of
Western Australia
AustraliaMelbourne, Perth, Sydney APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
StudyCo – Curtin UniversityAustraliaPerth, Western Australia     Applications from Associates will NOT be accepted.
StudyCo – Murdoch UniversityAustraliaPerth, Western Australia No APPL FEES   Applications from Associates will NOT be accepted. Applications from Punjab not Acceptable.
EAP not offered to applicants from Northern regions of India (Haryana, Chandigarh). Spouse Cases are not acceptable.
StudyCo – Queensland
University of Technology (QUT)
StudyCo – Torrens UniversityAustralia      
StudyCo – University of CanberraAustralia        All Programs
StudyCo – University of Newcastle – CallaghanAustraliaCallaghan, NSW       Applications to be Lodged From Churchgate (Head Office) Only.
Applications from Associates will NOT be accepted.
StudyCo – University of
The Australian Institute of Music
The Australian National UniversityAustraliaCanberra No Appl. Fee   Masters, Bachelors, Diploma,
Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate, Express
The Hotel School (THS)AustraliaSydney, Melbourne & Brisbane     THS will not accept applications from North India region students with Humanities stream in Class
The University of AdelaideAustraliaAdelaide, South Australia$ 100$ (Application Fee Waiver code available if eligible)Credit Card  Applications will be accepted ONLY from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.
No State Board Year XII qualifications will be accepted. Only CBSE, ISC, IB or IGCSE
will be accepted.
Only PG, UG and English Language course applications allowed.
We cannot recruit students for MBBS, BDS and Higher Degree by Research programs (HDR).
University of New England
University of Southern
Queensland – USQ
Australia     UG, PG, PhD and ELICOS.
University of Southern Queensland (USQ) (Sydney
University of TasmaniaAustraliaTasmania No Appl. Fee  Masters, Bachelors & Foundation Studies. Applications from Punjab, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
will NOT be accepted.
University of WollongongAustraliaWollongong, Sydney CBD Business School and Liverpool, South Western Sydney  EmailNo Appl. Fees for Online Applications / Non-Refundable
AUD $75 for PG – Coursework Applications
Credit Card1 WeekYesEffective 09/09/2019:    Cannot Submit Applications for UOW College Academic Diploma Packages from Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana And Chandigarh
Effective 03/06/2019: No Applications will be
accepted for English Course and also any Married Cases from Punjab, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Haryana.
Separate Payments towards UOW College & UOW in case of any pathway course leading
to University.
University of Wollongong – CollegeAustraliaWollongong, South Western Sydney, Sydney Business School, Shoalhaven, Southern Sydney  OnlineNo Appl. Fees1 Week @YesEffective 09/09/2019:    Cannot Submit Applications for UOW College Academic Diploma Packages from Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana And Chandigarh
Effective 03/06/2019: No Applications will be
accepted for English Course and also any Married Cases from Punjab, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Haryana.
Separate Payments towards UOW College & UOW in case of any pathway course leading
to University.
William Angliss Institute –
S P Jain School of Global ManagementAustralia, UAE,
Dubai, Singapore
www.spjain.orgEmailNo APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
S P Jain School of Global ManagementAustralia, UAE,
Dubai, Singapore
www.spjain.orgEmailNo APPL FEES1 WeekYes 
Le Cordon BleuCanada, UK,
Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan, Mexico,
Ottawa, London, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, Paris, Tokyo, Kobe, Mexico
City, Bangkok
www.cordonbleu.eduEmailVaries in different countries. Pls check respective appli. formCredit Card2
YesAgent identifier code for GeeBee: 07C465.
Le Cordon BleuCanada, UK,
Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan, Mexico,
Ottawa, London, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, Paris, Tokyo, Kobe, Mexico
City, Bangkok
www.cordonbleu.eduEmailVaries in different countries. Pls check respective appli. formCredit Card2
YesAgent identifier code for GeeBee: 07C465.
UniversidadPaisLocalidadWebTipo de AplicaciónCosto de AplicaciónMétodo de pagoTiempo de AplicaciónOferta CondicionalObservaciones
Adler University, Vancouver (LG)CanadaVancouver$ 30Credit Card1 to 3 WeeksNot RequiredAccepts applications in our non-clinical program (MPPA, Masters in Industrial & organizational Psychology and Masters in
Applied Psychology).
Alexander CollegeCanadaVancouver & Burnby,   PaperNon- Refundable CAD 200Credit Card2-3 weeksYes on final
score card
Agent Authorization  Form Mandatory
Algoma University
Algonquin College (LG)CanadaOttawawww.algonquincollege.comOnline – Agent PortalNon- Refundable CAD 95
(Check Remarks for Application Fee Waiver Conditions)
Credit Card1 WeekNoStudent is eligible for Fee Waiver if Diploma program: overall 75% or Ielts overall 7.0 with no band less than 6.5 PG programs: Overall 65% or IELTS : overall 7.0 no band less than 6.5.
For Fee Waiver Code kindly update Geebee Staff.
Add : Agent Authorization Form Mandatory. No Conditional Offer.
Bow Valley CollegeCanadaCalgary,  EmailNon- Refundable
CAD 140
Credit Card2 WeeksYes 
Brighton College – Burnaby, BCCanadaBurnaby, BC Non-
Refundable C$ 250
Credit Card   
British Columbia Institute of Technology
CanadaBritish Columbia 154Online Banking4 Weeks  
Brock University (LG)CanadaSt.
Catherines, ON  OnlineUG – @ C$ 250 & PG – C$ 135Credit Card2 to 3 WeeksNoAdd : Clear scanned documents accepted
Cambrian – Hanson (LG)CanadaToronto, ON Brampton, ON
Vancouver, BC   OnlineNon- Refundable CAD 95Flywire3-4 weeksNoAdd : Clear scanned documents, Processing time, and No Conditional Offers
Diverse students (any non-Indian nationalities) can be enrolled from anywhere. You will not be able to submit applications through OCAS for diverse students, as you were doing for the Indian market. Indian students from Canada cannot be enrolled by us.
Cambrian College of Applied Arts & Technology (LG)CanadaSudbury, ONwww.cambriancollege.caOnlineCAD 95Flywire1 WeekNo (For September 2019 –
students need to apply with complete
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Camosun College (LG)CanadaVictoria, BC www.camosun.bc.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card2 Weeks Not to accept any application for Dental Hygiene, Practical Nursing and any certificate level program.
Not to submit any application on Education Planner BC unless it has been prescreened & approved by the college delegate or their teams.
All GeeBee Branches can recruit a student within 50 kms radius of office location as follows:
1) Maharashtra & Kerala – can send UG and PG apps upto 31 Dec 2022
2) All other Branch outside Maharashtra & Kerala – can send UG and Bachelors apps upto 31 Dec 2022
3) Students must be direct GeeBee clients and not from Associates / Sub- agents.
Applications of students from Maharashtra and Kerala states ONLY.
Canadore CollegeCanadaNorth Bay, ON West Parry Sound, Bramptonwww.canadorecollege.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100FlyWire1 to 2 weeksNoProcessing time of such requests is around 2-3 weeks, request has to be made by the student by filling the Change of Agent form available on college website. The form needs to be emailed to the College by GeeBee. Not all requests are approved.
If you have already paid tuition:
As per current practice, Canadore College will not permit a change of agent request if your application has already been uploaded to the OCAS system and you have already paid tuition with the current agent representative. Important to note that the agent is eligible to claim commission given they have followed the process. Should you wish to pursue with a change of agent, the new agent is not eligible to claim commission on your application.
If you have not yet paid tuition: Should you consider changing agent representation and have not yet paid
tuition, you are responsible to notify the current agent and request cancellation of the current application. Please be aware that if you choose to switch agents, your current application will be deleted from OCAS and you will have to initiate the application process over again with the
new agent. A previously approved seat
Canadore@Toronto study at Stanford International CollegeCanadaToronto  PaperNO APPL FEES1 to 2 weeksNoShould you consider changing agent representation and have not yet paid tuition, you are responsible to notify the current agent and request cancellation of the current application. Please be aware that if you choose to switch agents, your current application will be deleted from OCAS and you will have to initiate the application process over again with the new agent.
A previously approved seat that you have accepted may not be available and $100 application fee will apply should you wish to submit an application with a new agent.
To verify if the new agent is an authorized agent for Canadore College, we encourage you to email prior to any changes. Once these steps have been taken, please complete the Change of Agent Request Form.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
CEGEP GIM (LG)CanadaMontreal,
Quebec Appl.
 2 to 3
NoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by
CEGEP Marie-Victorin
Canada   No Appl.
Centennial College (LG)CanadaTorontowww.centennialcollege.caPaperNo APPL FEES 1-2 WeeksNoApplicants who have made a payment to the college will no longer be able to switch agents except if an applicant was denied a Study Visa and then decided to select the service of another agent. We would require a copy of the rejection letter and a signed statement from the student stating who their original agent is and which agent they wish to represent them moving forward. We do not accept the change of agent request even for defer – for ex: If the student has an offer and paid the fee for the particular intake with one agent and then wants to defer for the next intake with some other agent.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
CIOT (Canadian Institute of Osteopathic Therapy), Calgary (LG)CanadaCalgary      
CodeCore CollegeCanadaVancouver,
BC Application
Fee Waived
College of New Caledonia (LG)CanadaPrince George, BCwww.cnc.bc.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 125Credit Card2 to 3 weeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Columbia CollegeCanadaVancouverwww.columbiacollege.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 200Credit Card4 to 6 weeksNoInstead of selecting India for Country of Citizenship, staff will need to select «ZZ+Intake» (Eg. ZZSEPT2022)
Confederation College (LG)CanadaThunderbay, ONwww.confederationc.on.caOnlineCAD 95Credit Card2-3 weeksYes on final degree/12th score cardAdd : No PTE Score card accepted
Coquitlam CollegeCanada      
Crandall UniversityCanadaMoncton, NB   Non- Refundable CAD 100paymytuitio n.com1 WeekNo«Applicant Fee may be paid to Crandall University through IELTS score of 6.5 for undergraduate programs or 7.0 for graduate programs International applicants should have all documents verified by World Education Services, Course by Course evaluation is required for graduate applicants»
Dalhousie UniversityCanadaHalifax, Nova Scotiawww.dal.caOnlineNon- Refundable UG CAD 70 PG CAD 115Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoUG Programs & Master of Engg in Internetworking Only. Email for UG apps & Courier for PG apps
Dalhousie University, Canada will not pay Commission for Agent Appointment / Agent Change cases.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Douglas College (LG)CanadaNew Westminster & Coquitlam, BC www.douglas.bc.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card (Only Master Cards and
Visa Cards)
4 to 5 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Durham College (LG)CanadaOshawa, ONwww.durhamcollege.caOnline – Agent PortalApplication Fees Waived off2-3 WeeksNoAdd : Clear scanned documents, Processing time, and No Conditional Offers
EDUCO Canada – Acsenda School of Management,
Vancouver (LG)
CanadaVancouver No Appl. Fees   
EDUCO Canada – Arbutus College of Communication Arts, Business & Technology,
Vancouver (LG)
EDUCO Canada –
University of Prince Edward Island
Edward Island 50Credit Card1-2 MonthsNoUG & PG
EDUCO Canada – Western University CanadaCanada       English language and UG Direct entry.
Below steps for adding the agency name while doing the application:
• Login to Western Student Center ( Homepage and Select “Profile»
• Within Profile Tile select Release of Information > Add an Authorized Individual
• Fill in Agency Details (see below) and Contact Information   Select Relationship as Other   
> Authorized Individual’s Name: EduCo Accelerate > Relationship: Other > Mobile Number: +61 417 928 535 > Authorized Individual’s Email Address: > Date release of information authorize starts: Current date > Date release of information authorize ends: January 30, 2025
Evergreen College (LG)Canada        
Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) – Vancouver (LG) – Agent PortalApplication Fee Waiver Code 3-4 weeksYes on IELTS and final degree/12th
score card
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Fanshawe College –
CanadaToronto  No Appl.
Fanshawe College (LG)CanadaAll Campuseswww.fanshawec.caOnlineNo Appl. Fees1 WeekYes (On the basis of their qualification s)Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Agent Change Policy:
Yes based on following conditions –
• Use the format (saved in Dropbox) with student signature
• Change request needs to come to your point of contact (Varun Singh or Chandni) from the student email address (that is registered with us) with a copy to
• Attach previous offer letter
• Change requests only entertained 1 time
• Change request can be entertained only before the fee payment has been made by the student and the offer is inactive
• Change of agent also possible if visa is
Fleming College (LG)CanadaPeterboroug h, Ontariowww.flemingc.on.caOnlineC$ 100Credit Card1 WeekNoChange of Agency process, requests will be accepted only if:*
1. The applicant has received visa denial.
2. The previous agent accepts to release the applicant.
3. It is proven that the previous agent is not providing services or is non- responsive to the applicant.
4. If the student agrees to close the current application, the application fee will not be refunded.
Change of agent will NOT be done if the offer is issued and fees paid by the existing partner on the application.
If the student persists to change the agent which has an existing offer, the offer will be revoked and the application will be closed, the application fee will not be refunded.
Fleming College supports and respects the efforts made by an existing partner to bring the applicant onboard. They will send an email to the existing partner for approval, which allows them to sort out things with the applicant. Only if they receive confirmation from the existing partner, then the change of agency will be accepted.
George Brown CollegeCanadaTorontowww.georgebrown.caOnline – Agent PortalApplication
Fee CAD 110
Credit Card4 to 6 Weeks Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Georgian @ILAC, Toronto (LG)CanadaTorontowww.georgianc.on.caOnlineCAD 100Credit Card4 to 6 weeksYes only on final year/high school
Georgian College (LG)CanadaBarrie, ONwww.georgianc.on.caPaper / Online (From Sep 2020
CAD 100
(Waived for Eligible Students as per details mentioned in «Remarks»)
Credit Card4 to 6 WeeksYes only on final year/high school resultsNote: Conditional applications will not be eligible for fee waiver (If last year marksheet or 12th Class marksheet is pending)
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Global University Systems (GUS) – Fleming College,
Toronto Campus (LG)
CanadaToronto  OnlineCAD $100
Non- Refundable
Credit Card1 to 2 WeeksNo 
Global University Systems (GUS) – Niagara College –
Toronto (LG)
CanadaToronto $100
Non- Refundable
Credit Card1 to 2 WeeksNo 
Global University Systems (GUS) – Toronto School of
Management (LG)
Global University Systems (GUS) –
Canada   Non- Refundable
C$ 250
Credit Card  Toronto campus enrolments are NOT Commissionable.
Global University Systems (GUS) – University Canada
West (LG)
Canada   No Appl. Fee    
Humber College (LG)CanadaToronto, ONwww.humber.caOnline – Agent PortalNon- Refundable CAD 75Credit Card4 to 6 weeksYes (Only for PG programs pending FINAL
semester grades)
Students from India are not eligible for the EAP conditional programs as they will not get study visa for that.
Offer will be received by Email & Fee Receipt will be received on Portal
ILLUME – Keyano College (LG)Canada        
ILLUME – MacEwan University (LG)CanadaEdmonton, Alberta  OnlineC$ 110Credit Card30-45
Working Days
University gives conditional offer letter on Final results or IELTS or
UG programs & Diploma programs
King’s University College @ Western
University (LG)
CanadaLondon, Ontariowww.kings.uwo.caPaperNo Appl. Fee2 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) (LG)CanadaSurrey, BCwww.kwantlen.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 120Credit Card2 to 3 WeeksYes on Final Degree/12t h Scorecard and not on IELTSOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Lakehead UniversityCanadaThunder Bay, ON & Orillia, ONwww.lakeheadu.caOnlineUG App Fee of CAD 135
Waived subject to Interview, Non- Refundable CAD 190 –
Credit Card2 to 3 weeksYes (on IELTS and Final score at both Bachelors and Masters level)No GRE / GMAT for most programs  
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Lambton College of Applied Arts &
Technology (LG)     Pls contact Geebee (HO) for Applications.
Langara College (LG)CanadaVancouver, BCwww.langara.bc.caOnline & EmailNon- Refundable
CAD 155
Credit Card4 WeeksNoReplace Note: Langara College will accept applications from All GEEBEE
Lasalle College – CanadaCanadaMontreal & Vancouverwww.collegelasalle.comOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 50Credit Card1 to 2 weeksNoAll programs from Inter-DEC have been moved to LaSalle.
The admission fees for an international student are now $50 CAD (in contrast to the $200 CAD previously charged) and the registration fees for a DCS program will be $200 CAD (in contrast to the
$1,050 CAD previously charged).
In addition, the registration fees for ACS programs will vary depending on the program (between $45 and $200).
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Laurentian UniversityCanadaSudbury, ON CAD 110 3-4 weeksConditional offer letters will be issue d on WES e valuation (w
Masters and Bachelors
WES is required for all Master’s
Le Cordon BleuCanada, UK,
Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan, Mexico, Thailand
Ottawa, London, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, Paris, Tokyo, Kobe, Mexico City,
www.cordonbleu.eduEmailVaries in different countries. Pls check respective appli. formCredit Card2 WeeksYesAgent identifier code for GeeBee: 07C465.
Loyalist College – TorontoCanadaToronto college-in- toronto/programs/OnlineNon- Refundable CAD 110FlyWire1 to 2 weeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received on GUS portal and intimation on Email
Loyalist College (LG)CanadaBelleville, ONwww.loyalistcollege.comOnlineNon- Refundable
CAD 110
Flywire1 to 2 weeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received on OCAS portal and intimation on Email
M Square – Acadia University (LG)CanadaWolfville, Nova Scotiawww.acadiau.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 40Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoUG Programs ONLY
IELTS waived if studied in English medium.
Our Agency ID : #AG00087
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Brescia University College
M Square – Canadian
College, Vancouver (LG)
CanadaVancouver CAD 150    
M Square – Cape Breton University (LG)CanadaSydney, NSwww.cbu.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 80 2-3 weeksNoAdd : Application Fees. Clear scanned documents and processing time
M Square – Capilano University (LG)CanadaVancouverwww.capilanou.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 135Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoAdd : Clear scanned documents and change Processing time
M Square – Coast Mountain College (LG)CanadaTerrace, BC Refundable CAD 100Credit Card1 WeekYes on IELTS and final degree/12th
score card
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Students from North India are not accepted
M Square – College of the Rockies (COTR) (LG)CanadaCranbrook, BCwww.cotr.bc.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card1 to 2 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Applications for Post-Degree Diploma in Sustainable Business students from North India are not accepted.
M Square – Cumberland CollegeCanadaSaskatchewa nhttps://www.cumb ca/
Refundable CAD 140
Flywire3 to 4 weeksNo 
M Square – Eton
College (LG)
M Square – Great Plains CollegeCanadaSaskatchewa nhttps://www.great Refundable
CAD 125
Flywire3 to 4 weeksNo 
M Square – IBT
College (LG)
Canada https://www.ibtcoll
M Square – Lakeland CollegeCanadaAlberta and Paper BothNon- Refundable CAD 90Credit Card1 to 2 weeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Mentora College of Business & Technology (Private
Institution) (LG)
M Square – Mount Allison University (LG)CanadaSackville, New Brunswickwww.mta.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 50Credit Card3 WeeksYesUG Programs ONLY
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Mount Saint Vincent UniversityCanadaHalifax, Nova Scotiawww.msvu.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 40 – UG & CAD 50 –
Credit Card3 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Multihexa CollegeCanadaChicoutimi, Quebec     No Appl. Fee   
M Square – Nipissing University (LG)CanadaNorth Bay, ON and Post- Baccalaurea te C$ 110 and Masters C$ 130PayMyTuiti on2 to 3 weeksNoWe represent only UG and Post-Graduate Programs
M Square – Northern Lights College (LG)CanadaFort St.John, BCwww.nlc.bc.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card OR Wire Transfer1 WeekNoFor Agent Change student needs to fill new appli. form and pay appli. fee again
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Parkland CollegeCanadaMelville, Saskatchewa
n Refundable
CAD 140
Credit Card1 WeekNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Q College –
Victoria, BC (LG)
CanadaVictoria, BC No Appl.
M Square – Selkirk College (LG)CanadaCastlegar, BCwww.selkirk.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card1 WeekYes on IELTS and final degree/12th
score card
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – St. Lawrence College (LG)CanadaKingston, Cornwall & Brockville (All in Ontario)www.stlawrencecollege.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card1 WeekNoApplications are accepted from Punjab to St. Lawrence College – Main Campus.
Passport, Resume, Visa copies Not reqd in appli
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
M Square – St. Thomas University,
New Brunswick (LG)
CanadaNew Brunswick Non- Refundable
CAD 55
Credit Card1 to 2 weeksYesPlease refer to Program Matrix for Application Procedure and Eligibility
M Square – Taylor Pro
College (LG)
M Square – University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)CanadaPrince George, BCwww.unbc.caPaperNon- Refundable CAD 125 +
$40.80 doc evaluation fee
Credit Card3 to 4 weeksNoONLY UG programs and MBA (in Business, Including Strategy, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Organizational Behaviour, Marketing, Management of Technology, and Operations Management)
We can send applications for UG programs directly to UNBC and NOT through MSquare.
Commission will NOT be paid for following programs: BSc Nursing, Northern Medical Program, MEd Special Education
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
M Square – Vancouver Community College
CanadaVancouverwww.vcc.caPaperNon- Refundable
CAD 145
Only Flywire2 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)CanadaWinnipeg, Manitoba – $100,
Post- Secondary –
$100, Post- Graduate –
Credit Card OR Bank Draft3 WeeksNoOnce we implement the new application portal, all current authorized agents will be listed on the drop down list. There is NO need to type in your agency name nor the need of uploading the Authorization for Release of Student’s Information. Please ensure that your student add you as their agent at the time of submitting applications to MITT. We will NOT allow the addition of agent after student’s application is submitted.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Maple Leaf SchoolsCanadaNorth America       For Grade 11 and 12
Medicine Hat College (LG)CanadaAlbertawww.mhc.ab.caOnlineNon- Refundable
CAD 75
 3 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell CampusCanadaGrenfell Non- Refundable CAD 120Credit Card Yes (students who submit predicted results, however, to receive a final acceptance, all final documentati on must be received by
IELTS , PTE and TOEFL – Acceptable
Mohawk @MississaugacanadaMississaugahttps://www.mohawkcollege.caOnlineC$ 100Credit Card  Offer & Fee Receipt will be received on OCAS portal and intimation on Email
Mohawk CollegeCanadaHamilton, ONhttps://www.mohawkcollege.caOnlineC$ 100Credit Card3 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received on OCAS portal and intimation on Email
Mount Royal University – Calgary, AlbertaCanadaCalgary, Alberta Refundable CAD 100   UG Programs, Diplomas, Certificates
Navitas Canada – FIC – Simon Fraser UniversityCanadaBurnaby, BCwww.fraseric.caOnlineNo Appl. Fee1 to 2 weeksYes on IELTS and final degree/12th
score card
Navitas Canada – ICM
– University of Manitoba
CanadaWinnipeg, Manitobawww.icmanitoba.caOnlineNo Appl. Fee1 to 2 weeksYes on IELTS and final degree/12th
score card
Navitas Canada – RUIC – Ryerson University
International College
Navitas Canada – WLIC – Wilfrid Laurier
International College
Canada   No Appl. Fee2 to 3 Working
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) – Vancouver (LG)CanadaVancouver, Refundable US$ 50Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoNo EAP courses offered at NYIT- Vancouver campus. And only 3 year Bachelor’s degree from NAAC «A» Universities are accepted.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Norquest College (LG)CanadaEdmonton, Albertawww.Norquest.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 155Credit Card4 WeeksNoApplyAlberta at
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
North Island College (LG) Refundable CAD 100Credit Card2 WeeksYes (on IELTS and Final score)Provide Colour copies of the documents for students.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
North West College,
Northeastern University (Toronto & Vancouver)CanadaToronto & Vancouver   Fee Waiver (CPS
programs application)
  Yes (Student can get I-20 even if he is waiting for final sem mark sheet and provisional degree certificate but student must provide all mark sheets from 1st to 7th sem along with course completion
New application system, Slate, for prospective students interested in Fall 2023 entry:
Accept applications from GB Branches ONLY.
Northeastern University, Canada will NOT accept applications for MS in Computer Science and MS in Cybersecurity programs w.e.f. 15th October 2020 Consent Form is required
Northern CollegeCanadaTimmins,
www.Northernc.on.caOnlineC$ 100Credit Card1 WeekNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by
Okanagan College (LG)CanadaKelowna, BCwww.okanagan.b c.caOnlineNon- Refundable
CAD 100
Credit Card  Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Olds College (LG)CanadaAlberta C$ 160Credit Card2 Weeks Apply through ApplyAlberta:
Omni College (LG)CanadaVancouver, BCwww.omnicollege.comPaperNon- Refundable CAD 250 to
be paid at tuition fee time and Not with
Wire Transfer Yes on IELTS and final degree/12th score cardNURSING PROGRAM ONLY
Pre-Interview Compulsory before applying
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Ontario Tech University (LG)CanadaOntario UG – CAD$ 100Credit Card4-6 WeeksYes ( Academics)Only Bachelor Degree and EAP IELTS overall: 6.5 with 6.0
Pacific Link CollegeCanada      
Pures College of
CanadaToronto, ON      
Pures College of Technology (Northern College at Pures – Toronto) (LG)CanadaToronto OnlyC$ 100Payment Details needs to mentioned in the credit card authorizatin form while filling the application
 NoDo not accepts the tuition transfer from another institution.
Coloured original clear copies of the supporting documents required to process application CUSTODIANSHIP DECLARATION is
required for student under the age of 18 years
Red River CollegeCanadaWinnipeg, Manitobawww.rrc.mb.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 150
(Application fee) + CDN 300 Course
Credit Card2 WeeksNoAgent Change at college discretion
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Royal Crown College, Toronto (Private
Institution) (LG)
Royal Roads University (LG)CanadaVictoria, BCwww.royalroads.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD
$123.81 +
Credential Evaluation Fee CAD 123.81
Credit Card3 WeeksNoCredential Evaluation Fee is the fee RRU charges to conduct their own international credential evaluation.
Royal Roads University will also accept official evaluation reports from ICES and WES.
If the student submits an acceptable external evaluation report, the student will only need to submit the application fee.
Courier for UG & PG apps
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Saskatchewan Polytechnic (LG)CanadaSaskatoon, Saskatchewa n Refundable CAD 150Credit Card3 WeeksYes (Only if their final results / examination are pending but they must have met our IELTS
requirement before they
No Commission in case of Change of Program, Change of Agent and Agent Appointment.
Formerly SIAST.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Sault College (LG)CanadaSault Ste. Marie, ONwww.saultcollege.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Flywire1 to 2 weeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received on OCAS portal and intimation on Email
Seneca College (LG)CanadaTorontowww.seneca.on.caOnlineNon- Refundable
CAD 90
Credit Card4 to 6 WeeksNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Sheridan College Institute of Technology & Advanced LearningCanadaToronto, ONwww.sheridancollege.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card OR Bank Draft1 WeekYes on IELTS and final degree/12th score cardDefer request or refund request should be directly sent from students Sheridan Email ID.
Offer will be received by Email & Fee Receipt will be received on Portal.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
CanadaCalgary, Alberta$ 150Credit Card2 to 3 WeeksNoAnticipated grades/Documents needs to be uploaded from student account
St. Clair CollegeCanadaSouth Campus, Riverside Drive West, Windsor, Thames, Chatham-
Kent$ 125Credit Card1 WeekNoOffer & Fee Receipt will be received Portal
St. Clair College @ AcumenCanadaToronto & Mississauga C$ 125   Accept applications from GB Branches ONLY.
St. Francis Xavier UniversityCanadaAntigonish, Nova Scotiawww.stfx.caOnlineUG – C$ 40
and Masters
– C$ 100
Credit Card2 weeks for
UG and 4 weeks for a PG
Yes (based on 12th standard first semester/te
rm grades)
Appli. Link – disploginnew
Bachelor’s, Diploma & Master’s Programs
Stanford International College of Business and TechnologyCanadaBrampton, Mississauga, Scarborough, Toronto Refundable CAD 500Credit Card1 Week @NoUG programs ONLY.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Stenberg College (LG)CanadaSurrey, BC$ 150Credit Card2 – 4 daysYes 
Tamwood CareersCanadaBritish Columbia 200Credit Card  By submitting this application and paying the required application fee and tuition fee deposit you understand and agree that Tamwood can retain your tuition deposit in the event you cancel for any reason except if we receive a written notice from you that you are cancelling your application to Tamwood within 7 days from the date you signed your Student
Enrollment Contract
The University of Winnipeg (LG)CanadaWinnipeg, Manitobawww.uwinnipeg.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 120Only through Flywire (https://www
/pay/uwinni peg/)
6 WeeksNo
Thompson Rivers University (LG)CanadaKamloops, BCwww.tru.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 100Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoStudent will require to do Pre-Assessment before they apply. It is for all courses.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Toronto Film School (LG)CanadaToronto & Concord, ON Fees Varies Programwis eCredit Card  All Diploma and Degree programs (12 months or more).
Applications should be sent to GeeBee only. No Commission payment if the applications are directly sent to Institution.
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) (LG)Canada    CAD $30 for an application by selecting 03
programs (of any choice between those mentioned below) for all the programs across all faculties within the
  YesAppli. Link: uite/published/#form/0863DA28-2626- 4FAC-B83A-0E4AD59CB163
For below programs:
ESL Foundation Program I, II and III eBoost
Undergraduate Programs
Trent UniversityCanadaPeterboroug h, and PG Certificate – 90 CAD Non
Refundable and Masters
– 125 CAD
Non- Refundable
Credit Card4 weeksNoUG & Graduate Programs
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
University of LethbridgeCanadaLethbridge, Albertawww.uleth.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 140 2 weeksConditional on final year grades onlyUG Programs ONLY
University of Manitoba (LG)CanadaWinnipeg, Manitobawww.umanitoba.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 120Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksYes on IELTS and final degree/12th score cardAll UG and for the below 3 Masters Degree:
Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics and Master of Finance ONLY
Pls include the FIPPA Information Release Form with every appl. For Commission edia/releaseform.pdf
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received on Portal
University of New BrunswickCanadaFredericton And Saint John, New
Brunswick Refundable CAD 125Credit Card3 to 4 weeksNoOffer Letter, Fee Receipts and Application status will be received via email
University of Regina (LG)CanadaRegina, Saskatchewa
www.uregina.caOnlineNon- Refundable
CAD 100
Credit Card OR Bank
8 WeeksNoStudent needs to send 3rd party authorization form /email to the college
University of Saskatchewan (LG)CanadaSaskatoon, Saskatchewa nwww.usask.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 90Credit Card OR Bank Draft3 to 4 weeksNoUniversity of Saskatchewan does not pay commission for Diploma and Certificate programs.
UG and English Language.
Offer will be received on Portal & Fee Receipt will be received on students Email ID
University of the Fraser Valley (LG)CanadaAbbotsford, BCwww.ufv.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 150Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksNoAdd : Clear scanned documents accepted
University of Victoria (LG)CanadaVictoria, BCwww.uvic.caOnlineCAD$ 142Credit Card4 WeeksYes on 12th GradesBachelor’s degree programs ONLY University of Victoria does NOT accept Diploma students directly for UG programmes
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by
University of Waterloo (LG)CanadaWaterloo, ONwww.uwaterloo.caOnlineOUAC 105F
Application Form & Fee UG
Credit CardApplication s decisions are made in Batches for Engineerin g in March and May.
For other faculties all decisions are made after Feb on continuous decisions. 3
to 4 weeks
Yes on 12th (Predicted Score)Counsellors are not allowed to access the student portal of University of Waterloo
All UG Programs + Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) – Non-refundable application fee of $100 CAD
Only Maths Faculty has 2 intakes in Sep and Jan. All others have only Sep intake.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
University of Windsor (LG)CanadaWindsor, ONwww.uwindsor.caOnlineOUAC 105F
Application Form & Fee UG Non- Refundable CAD 156.
Graduate with Specializatio n Application Fee CAD 165 &
General Masters
CAD 125
 3 to 4 WeeksYes on 12th (Predicted Score) for UG & For PG last semester marksheet or provisional marksheetUG and Course-based PG / Masters programs.
No commission for Research based Graduate programs.
Offer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email.
Vancouver Film School (VFS) (LG)CanadaVancouver, BCwww.vfs.eduOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 50 via online appCredit Card1 WeekYesOffer & Fee Receipt will be received by Email
Vancouver Island University (VIU) (LG)CanadaNanaimowww.viu.caOnlineNon- Refundable CAD 150Credit Card3 to 4 WeeksYes on Sealed TranscriptsAdd : Clear scanned documents accepted
Vanier College (LG)CanadaMontreal C$ 85Credit Card  Computerized Financial Management (PG
– 2 years)
Software Application (PG – 2 years)
Vanwest CollegeCanada        
Wilfrid Laurier University (LG)CanadaWaterloo, ONwww.wlu.caOnlineOUAC 105F
Application Form & Fee UG
Credit Card OR Bank Draft3 to 4 WeeksYes on 12th (Predicted Score)UG, LEAF & PRE-MBA Programs ONLY
Universidad Católica de MurciaEspañaMurcia€50 – €1601 to 3 WeeksLISTADO DE MAESTRÍAS Y PRECIOS 2023-2024
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